Gold Coast Fishing Spots Map

Gold Coast Fishing Spots

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Gold Coast

3.6/5 - (16 votes)
28°1'0.6" S, 153°23'57.05" E

Gold Coast is famous for long sandy beaches, metropolitan skyscrapers and it’s elaborate maze of busy canals and waterways. Despite the hectic boat traffic and huge fishing pressure, Gold Coast fishing spots still produce great fishing all year round.

Gold Coast Creeks, Rivers & Canals

The Gold Coast waters are almost completely free from commercial netting. As a result the estuaries produce some fantastic fishing for land based and boat anglers.

Gold Coast creeks and rivers produce catches of Mangrove Jack over summer, Bream, Flathead, whiting, Trevally, Tarpon and Cod are caught throughout the creeks, canals and lakes. Flathead are caught year round, but they are in high numbers during Spring.

Bream school up in the clear waters near the entrances during Winter. This can make for some fantastic fishing on both baits and lures.

Mulloway lurk around the estuaries for the dedicated angler. The best times of the year to target them is the cooler months, find the bait and they will be around. The mullet spawn is also a great time to target massive Mulloway around the river mouths as the mullet move out of the estuaries.

Mangrove Jack fishing Gold Coast
Quality Mangrove Jack from the Gold Coast creeks. Photo Cred: @GoldCoastFishingFanatics

Coomera River

The first river in the Gold Coast area, is heavily developed with housing estates. However it still seems to produce some good fishing at times. Its best fish by boat or kayak as land based access is fairly limited. The river fishes well for Bream, Flathead and Whiting, other species like Trevally, Cod, Tailor and the odd Jewfish are also caught in the River. The river is most notable for its Summer Mangrove Jack fishing.


Extremely popular stretch of water on the weekends. The Broadwater produces mostly Bream, Whiting and Flathead.

Nerang River

One of the busiest rivers in Queensland, the Nerang River still seems to produce some good fishing. The best time to fish the river is at night, early morning and Monday to Friday. There’s so much structure in the river is it hard to know where to start. The river produces Bream, Trevally, Flathead, Cod and Mangrove Jack.

TulleBudgera Creek

A fairly shallow creek with some good weed beds, that produces Bream, Whiting and Flathead. Tullebudgera also produces Mangrove Jacks mainly in Summer. Soaking live baits around the canals is the best way to target jacks here.

Currumbin Creek

Currumbin Creek is a great land based fishing creek. Again the river produces okay fishing for Bream, Whiting, Flathead and summer Mangrove Jacks. Futher upstream anglers can target Australian Bass during Summer.

Gold Coast Beach Fishing

The Gold Coast beaches produce year round fishing for Bream and Dart. Tailor and Mulloway are also caught in the deep gutters along the beaches in the cooler months. From May to September is the best time to chase Tailor. They love whitebait and metal slugs lures. Some of the better Gold Coast beaches for Tailor fishing are Narrowneck and Main Beach.

During Spring flathead can also be hooked near the river mouths and in the beach gutters.

Whiting are around all year, but are best targeted in Summer in the shallow gutters. Whiting love yabbi and worm baits.

The key to successful fishing along the Gold Coast beaches, is finding the right gutters. Look for deeper water where the waves are breaking on an outer bank. For Jewfish and Tailor, finding the right gutter is key, along with fishing at dawn and dusk. After larger swells there are generally lots of deep gutters along the beaches.

Gutter along Broadbeach - A good place for beach fishing on an incoming tide
Gutter along Broadbeach – A good place for beach fishing on an incoming tide

South Stradebroke Island

North Currigee Beach is known for producing some great beach fishing for Tailor and Bream. The odd jewfish are also hook in the deep gutters here. A great beach to fish after a storm.

The Spit

Good beach fishing over the winter months, fish the high tides for Bream and Tailor early morning and at dusk. Dart are also abundant, and during Summer whiting will happily take yabbi baits.


A very busy beach that does form some great gutters for beach fishing. Tailor, Bream, whiting and dart are all caught along the beach here.

Palm Beach

Palm Beach forms some great deeper gutters. The fishing here can be good for Bream, Tailor and Jewfish, mainly in winter. The mouth of the river produces some good Tailor fishing in Winter.

Currumbin Beach

The rocks and river mouth produce good Bream and Tailor fishing in Winter. A rising tide is the best time to fish the river mouth and around the rocks of the beach. Jewfish are also caught here during cold winter nights on a rising tide.

Gold Coast offshore fishing

Gold Coast produces some great offshore fishing. There are several reefs, gravel grounds and interesting structure in close. On the way out of Broadwater, the seaway has been known to produce Mulloway, Tailor, Tuna, Trevally and small Kingfish. Offshore on the reefs, anglers fish Snapper, Pearl Perch, Cobia, Mackerel and Tuna. Dolphin fish, Wahoo, Kingfish and Marlin are also around. The offshore fishing at the Gold Coast is seasonal, as fish come in go with the change of tempature.

Good offshore fishing starts about 5km offshore from the seaway at Cotton Reef. But the further offshore the better the fishing gets.

Where to go fishing near Gold Coast?

  • Currumbin Creek Jacks Good structure from here upstream to target Mangrove Jack, the run in tide is best at summer.
  • Currumbin Canals The canals and jetties throughout the Currumbin Creek hold good numbers of Bream throughout the year. The odd Mangrove Jack in Summer.
  • Currumbin Creek Feeder Creeks The small feeder creeks throughout Currumbin Creek will hold Flathead on the run out tide. Soft plastics jigged along the bottom work well.
  • Pacific Motorway Bridge Either side of the bridge is a great place to fish on the incoming tide. This is a popular summer night spot for Mangrove Jack. Bream and Trevally are also caught here.
  • Currumbin Creek Bridge Good structure here that drops off into deeper water. Fishing here at night during smaller tides is the best time and will produce Bream, Mangrove Jack, Trevally and Luderick.
  • Lake Outlet Water runs out of the adjacent lake into Tallebudgera Creek. This is a good spot to live bait for Mangrove Jack on a warm summer night
  • Burleigh Heads Jacks The Mangrove Jack fishing starts here, there’s lots of good structure to cast lures at, summer, dawn and dusk are the best times. The odd by catch of Flathead and Bream are here also.
  • Pacific Motorway Bridge Rock structure around here fished okay for Bream, Flathead and the odd Trevally and mangrove Jack.
  • Burleigh Heads canals Mostly Bream throughout the Canals, however the odd Trevally, Jack and Flatty are caught. Cast soft plastics and small hard body lures tight against the jetties. Also try trolling the rock walls close to the bridges.
  • Tallebudgera Creek Mouth Good tailor fishing in Winter at night. Cast soft plastics at them! The odd Jewfish in Winter and spring also, take note when the mullet move in and out of the system to spawn.
  • Pelican & Miami Lake All the lakes through the Gold Coast have resident fish like Bream, Trevally, Flathead and the odd Mangrove Jack. Its important to return these fish to fight another day, plus they probably taste terrible.
  • Lake Orr Lake Orr holds Trevally, Bream, Flathead and the odd Mangrove Jack and Bass. Putting time in here anglers will be rewarded. Casting poppers around is a quick way to know if Trevally are around.
  • Cottesloe Drive Bridge Mostly Bream, best fished with bait, the odd Mangrove Jack.
  • Convention Center Good land based access for anglers chasing Bream and Mangrove Jack. Try live baiting into the night for Mangrove Jack here.
  • Nerang Broadbeach A good land based spot to target Mangrove Jack at night if access is still possible.
  • Benowa The canal mouth here is worth a few casts on the run out tide for Flathead and the odd Trevally.
  • Cypress Gardens Hole The rock wall drops into deep water and its best fished at the turn of the tide. Line up the turn of the tide with sunrise or sunset for the best chance a Bream, Mangrove Jack or Trevally. Jigging soft plastics along the bottom is also the go.
  • Nerang River Bend The deeper waters at the start of the bend here has patchy reef sections that hold bream particularly in Winter. Try using bait or jig soft plastics along the bottom.
  • Bundall Bridge Solid reef structure here produces good Bream in Winter, Mangrove Jack in Summer and Trevally also show up. Live baiting close to the bridge can produce Jacks. Jigging small vibes and soft plastics will produce Bream.
  • Monaco Bridge Deep hole next this rock wall creates a good scenario for Mangrove Jack and Trevally.
  • John Fraser park Out going tide often has Flathead in these shallow waters as bait to pushed out into deeper water.
  • Girung Island Whiting and flathead in the shallows on a falling tide.
  • Capri Island Bridge Popular mangrove Jack spot. Live baiting at night when there is tide turn will give you the great chance of landing a jack here. Catch local live baits like mullet.
  • Chevron Island South The rock walls along here drop off into pretty deep water. The jetties and structure hold Bream and Mangrove Jack in Summer. The odd cod is also caught. Fish with lures tight against structure.
  • Korman Park A popular Mangrove Jack spot, live bait at night will give you the best chance.
  • Evandale Park Good land based area to target Mangrove Jack and Bream. Use live baits around the turn of the tides at night.
  • Council Chambers Good land based access around this area. Target the rock walls and any structure for Bream and Mangrove Jack in Summer. Luderick also in winter.
  • Korong Street Good land based spot to work lures for Bream all tides. On the run out tide the mouth holds flathead at times. The odd cod and mangrove jack.
  • Paradise Waters Canals The jetties through the canal system hold Bream, Mangrove Jack and the odd Trevally. The key cover a big distance and working over a lot of jetties. Soft plastics cast beside or hard bodies worked under jetties will produce. During summer, small poppers worked around jetties at dawn and dusk can produce exciting fishing.
  • Commodore Drive Good land based spot that provides access to a drop off directly west. Anglers can encounter Bream, Mangrove Jack and Trevally here. Best fished during the slower tides and turn of tides.
  • TSS The whole eastern rock wall drops off into deeper water and is a popular spot to target Spawning winter bream, Summer mangrove jack and Trevally. Best fished during the slower tides and turn of tides.
  • Sundale Bridge South Better fishing here than the north side. Best fished during the change of tides at low light periods. Bream, Trevally, Mangrove Jack and Tailor are all caught here. Fish hold tight against the structure, vibes work well to find the depth fish are holding in.
  • Sundale Bridge North Under the bridge, around the pylons and structure there is Bream and Mangrove Jack.
  • Loder Creek Flathead, Whiting and Bream around the mouth of Loder Creek. Great place for land based anglers to have fish. Rock wall on the south side at the end of Marine Parade is also worth fishing.
  • The Broadwater flats The weed beds and flats hold whiting, best fishing is in summer, baits of worms and yabbies fished right amongst the weed beds is key. The odd flathead here also.
  • Gold Coast Spit Bream, whiting and flathead fishing here on baits, good place for a picnic with the family.
  • Seaway Reef Patchy reef around this area fishes well when the tide slows down for Pink Snapper and Bream particularly in Winter, best fished at dawn and late night.
  • Seaway Landbased Fish around the pipeline for Flathead, Bream and Luderick in Winter.
  • Seaway Pipeline An underwater pipeline runs across the Seaway channel here and produces Jewfish, Trevally and Mangrove Jacks. Live bait during neap or turn of the tides right on top of the pipe is the go.
  • Gold Coast Seaway The seaway holds Bream, Jewfish, Tailor, Trevally, Flathead, Kingfish and the seasonal Mackerel shows up. The tide pushes hard through here so its best fished on small and turn of tides.
  • Wave Break Island South Popular jew spot, target them at night during the turn of the tide using live baits like mullet.
  • Wave Break Island North Deeper water here with a rock wall to the south, holds Snapper and Trevally at times. The odd Jewfish is also caught here. Best fished on the incoming tide and turn of the tides with bait. Yellowtail Kings can also school up to the east of here.
  • Quota Park Land based fishing, best with bait, Flathead, Whiting, Bream and the odd Trevally.
  • Biggera Creek Flathead, Whiting, Bream and the odd Mangrove Jack and Trevally in the Biggera Creek. Work lures tight against structure like the jetties, rock walls and around the bridges for Bream and the odd Jack.
  • Crab Island Fish the shallow flats tight against the mangroves around Crab Island at high tide for Flathead. On the run out tide target the drop offs and channel waters draining off. Use soft plastics or hard body lures bounced along the bottom. Good whiting on poppers over the flats in summer.
  • Brown Island South Good flathead fishing on the out going tide along the drop off here. Soft plastics and hard body lures hitting the bottom work well.
  • Monterey Keys No boat access, but a good land bases spot to target Trevally, Jacks and Bream.
  • Saltwater Creek Saltwater Creek has Bream, Flathead and Mangrove Jack. There is plenty of structure to cast lures at for Jacks and Bream.
  • Sovereign Island The tide can flow through these canals which is home is some great structure for Bream, Flathead, Mangrove Jack and Trevally. Work lures on the shaded side of the canals, close and below jetties for Bream and Jacks. Tailor are also found around the open waters here.
  • Sovereign Island North The northern rock wall here is known to hold Mangrove Jack and Trevally.
  • Aldershots The shallows here are separated by weeds and deeper channels. On a rising tide, Bream, Flathead and whiting are all over the flats. On an outgoing tide flathead abundant along the drop offs.
  • Coomera River Mouth North Troll along the drop off for flathead on an out going tide. Also fish hard up against the mangroves on a big tide for Flathead and Bream.
  • Carters Bank Mostly good flathead fishing on the drops at the southern end on an outgoing tide. Soft plastics and hard bodies worked along the bottom work well.
  • Lands End A pipe runs across the mouth of Biggera creek here and is a great place to target Bream and the odd flathead on bait like prawns or small strip mullet.
  • Runaway Bay Okay fishing in here for Bream and Flathead. Target the jetties with soft plastics and small suspending hard body lures.
  • Anglers Esplanade Best fished on a rising tide, the mouth of canals produces Bream and Flathead mostly. Baiting with prawns or small strip mullet is the go.
  • South Stradebroke Westside Good flathead fishing on an out doing tide. Target the drop offs and gaps in the weed beds using soft plastics or red / pink hard body lures.
  • Shearwater Park Target around the weed beds in summer on an incoming tide early morning or afternoon for whiting.
  • Sovereign Island Rock Wall and Jetties Good rock wall and structure along here produces big Bream throughout the year and Mangrove Jack in Summer. Try the eddies form from tides close to structure.
  • Runaway Bay Marina Heavy structure in here is home to good numbers of Bream. Sinking soft plastics down beside structure is effective. The odd Mangrove Jack and cod is also a chance here.
  • Ephraim Marina Trevally lurk in the marina mainly during Spring and early summer. The chance at a mangrove jack here also. Fish at your own risk.
  • Ephraim Island Good fishing for Whiting and Flathead amongst and between the weed beds on a rising tide. Soft plastics and pink hard bodies work well for Flathead. Whiting will take poppers in Summer, the odd Bream is caught here too.
  • Paradise Point Esplanade Good land based access, any stucture along here holds Bream, Flathead and Whiting. Paradise Point Jetty holds Bream mostly. The Ephraim Island bridge has good structure for Bream and Flathead.
  • Coombabah Creek Rock wall Good rock wall produces Bream and the odd Mangrove jack particular on summer nights with live bait. Lure anglers are best to fish the neap or turn of the tides working lures slowing along the rocks.
  • Browns Island Great flathead fishing on the outgoing tide around Browns Island. The small entrance is a good place to target flathead on soft plastics. Also inside on the eastern side is worth fishing. To the north and south are smaller shallow entrances that also produce fish.
  • Coomera River north brand mouth Good fishing along the drop offs and the flats on an outgoing tide for might Gold Coast Dusky Flathead, target the small drains running off into the deeper water. On an incoming tide the flats are good place to target Whiting and Bream. Fish from here north to the Coomera River north brand mouth.
  • Sovereign Island Around the bridge is a good spot to livebait for Mangrove jack in summer. An hour before and after the change of the tide is the best time, drift a live bait into the jetty or close to the bridge pylons with a lightly weight sinker.
  • Jabiru Island Whiting Shallow sand bar holds whiting particularly in Summer. Try using bloodworms or small poppers early morning and late afternoon, time it with an incoming tide for the best chances.
  • Turana Street Boat Ramp Fish here at night on the change of the tide with live or fresh baits for Dusky Flathead, Bream and the Trevally.
  • Jabiru Island Coomera Deep hole that is well worth fishing at night during the change of tides, use fresh or live bait with a lightly weighted sinker.
  • Pacific Motor Bridge and bridges in the Commera River Most of the bridges throughout the river are prime spots to set out live baits for Mangrove Jack in Summer. Most can be accessed land based.
  • Saltwater Creek Rocks The shallow rocks here attrack bream, flathead, Trevally and the odd mangrove jack. Best fished on the run out tide.
  • Gold Coast City Marina The deep water and good structure here is home to some big Bream and Mangrove Jacks. Sinking soft plastics down into the depths in a good way to land some fish here. The odd Jewfish can show up mainly in the cooler months, and Trevally in spring through summer.
  • Foxwell Island The canals to the south hold good Bream at times, working plastics or small hard body lures close to structure will produce fish. During Summer Mangrove Jack are also hooked in these canals. The drop offs at the creek junctions and small feeder creek to the north produce Flathead. 
  • Bullock Creek Bend The west and east corners of the bend has some rocky structure that holds mostly Bream.
  • Wasp Creek Mouth A popular spot to live bait for Mangrove Jack during Summer. During spring the run out tide is a good spot to cast soft plastics for Flathead.
  • Coomera River North Branch Only accessible by boat, the north branch is fairly shallow, but still produces Bream, Whiting and Flathead. Fish the run out tide as the water runs off the flats for Flathead. On the incoming tide the same flats generally hold bream.
  • Coomera River Junction The deeper water here has patchy reef that produces good Bream fishing at times. Bream tend to school up here during Winter. The drop offs here also produce good catches of flathead and Mangrove Jack. The jetties to the north just upstream are also known to produce jacks and bream.
  • Coomera Feeder Creeks The small feeder creeks thoughout the Coomera River produce flathead on soft plastics on an out going tide.
  • Jabiru Island Coomera River Good land based fishing access, the shallow waters on the north west side produce Whiting year round, in Summer they will take a surface lure. Under the western Bridge is a good spot to live bait for Mangrove Jack in Summer.
  • Paradise Point Mud Flats The mud flats and drop offs here produce good catches of flathead during the run out tide. On the incoming tide the flats here fish well for Whiting.
  • Paradise Point Canals The canals offer almost endless structure in the form of jetties. There are some good fish in here, mainly good sized Bream. Mangrove Jack are also caught in the canals mainly in Summer.
  • Paradise Point Good land based access to some good structure. The rock wall and jetties hold good bream at times. Mangrove Jack are also caught along the rock wall in Summer.
  • Coomera River Mouth The mouth of the southern entrance has some good flats fishing for Bream on an incoming tide. During the outgoing tide this is a good spot to cast soft plastics for Flathead around the drop offs. There’s some reef in the deeper waters that hold Trevally and Bream at times.
  • Currumbin Beach The rocks and river mouth produce good Bream and Tailor fishing in Winter. A rising tide is the best time to fish the river mouth and around the rocks of the beach. Jewfish are also caught here during cold winter nights on a rising tide.
  • Palm Beach Palm Beach forms some great deeper gutters. The fishing along Palm Beach can be good for Bream, Tailor and Jewfish, mainly in winter. The mouth of the river produces some good Tailor fishing in Winter.
  • Broadbeach A very busy beach that does form some great gutters for beach fishing. Tailor, Bream, whiting and dart are all caught along the beach here.
  • The Spit Good beach fishing over the winter months, fish the high tides for Bream and Tailor early morning and at dusk. Dart are also abundant, and during Summer whiting will happily take yabbi baits.
  • South Stradebroke Island North Currigee Beach is known for producing some great beach fishing for Tailor and Bream. The odd jewfish are also hook in the deep gutters here. A great beach to fish after a storm.
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Moreton Bay Fishing Report October 2021

October 28 2021 Had a few good days out in the bay looking for the schoolies after the rains and strong winds and the water looking not to clear,the small ones are... Read more

Fish currently being caught in the South East Queensland region November, 2021

Pink Snapper School Mackerel
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Current Rating Gold Coast November, 2021
3.7/5 - (112 votes)
Fishing Report Provided By Water Tower Bait and Tackle
Current Rating Gold Coast November, 2021
3.7/5 - (112 votes)
Fishing Report Provided By Fishing Noosa

Recommended Lures for Gold Coast

Click here to find the best lures for fishing Gold Coast. 5 stars mean this lure has been hand picked for Gold Coast.

Bream Prawn Vibe

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Yellowfin Bream
Squidgies Pro Range Wriggler - 65mm

Pro Wriggler – 65mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Australian Bass, Dusky Flathead, Yellowfin Bream
Jackall Squirell 79 hank tuned

Jackall DD Squirrel 79SP Silent ‘Hank Tuned’

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Mangrove Jack
Bream Lure the Strike Pro Pygmy 2

Pygmy 2 – Strike Pro

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Australian Bass, Yellowfin Bream
The Yo-Zuri Crystal Minnow suspending lure has great constrast and is good for Barramundi


Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Mangrove Jack
Storm Gomoku Fishing Jig


Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Pink Snapper

Twisty 70g

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Longtail Tuna, Tailor

Squidgies Pro Flickbait 110mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Giant Trevally

Squidgies Pro Wriggler – 80mm

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Yellowfin Bream

Skippy Surface Lure

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Yellowfin Bream, Yellowfin Whiting

Lucky Craft Sammy 65

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Australian Bass
Killalure Flatz Ratz 2

Flatz Ratz – Killalure

Suited for some Fish Species.
Good for: Mangrove Jack

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Gold Coast

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User Rating3.6Good Fishing

Nerang River

4km (as the bird flys)
User Rating3.5Nice Fishing

8 Comments on “Gold Coast” fishing

  • Daniel


    Hey I live at coomera. Can. U tell me where some good land based fishing spots are thanks Daniel…

    • Luke Van Lathum


      Hi Daniel, try the around the Turana Street boat ramp, under any of the bridges around the pylons and on Jabiru Island there is a deep hole to the west of the boat ramp straight off the jetty. Your best bet is early morning, dusk and at night, use nice fresh or live bait if you can!

  • Daniel


    Thanks mate. Any other ideas for soft plastic fishing land based around gold coast. Where I can get sum flathead

    • Luke Van Lathum


      Spring is a good time to get flathead! They will be a bit further upstream around mid way upstream as they get ready to spawn. Try around Brittany Drive reserve, end of Shipper Drive at the feeder creek on a run in tide and end of Raggamuffin Drive reserve on a run out tide. Good luck mate!

  • Carl Chao


    Hi Luke,
    I was wondering if you would mind to tell me where to put crab pots around Gold Coast. I have not crabbed for years. Now thinking about taking kids to catch some crabs for fun.
    Your advice will be much appreciated.

  • Brad


    Im visiting in golden coast .what is the best fishing in the canals


  • Lex Smallhorne


    Hi, looking to go land based on Friday. Have to drop my son off at Surfers then have a half day to kill. Any suggestions – don’t have any surf rods…. thanks.

  • Benjamin Bavea


    Hi Luke,

    I just bought a ‘Fish Seeker’ long-line ‘Kontiki’ torpedo that carries five baited hooks and drops them up to a kilometre offshore (depending on surf conditions).

    I’m waiting for my heavy duty rod & reel combo to arrive which I plan to pair with the torpedo but it seems to be delayed & the clock is ticking on the rather pricey Kontiki’s money back guarantee, so I’m keen to see it perform without needing to experiment on a variety of launch points.

    I live in Brisbane but other than looking forward to reeling in some decent sized fish, I’d like to see how well the miniature jet-propulsion Kontiki handles in big surf, so is there anywhere you might know of where I can kill two birds with one stone?

    Best regards,

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